Monday, July 6, 2009

No more compromiseS

the reality had finally settled in, some one changed the rules while we were sleeping, the religious fanatics feel their world has been polluted....
yes.. the gays are coming.. leaving their closets behind, and country is standing with their mouths wide open... in disbelief... No one can imagine such a thing in a land that gives meaning to the word 'conservative'. Some news even claimed that the judge who passed the order is himself a gay. of course its that stupid American way of life, letting some one be who he/she is, not compromising to social pressure, not fueling prejudices, how can we do something like that.

Obviously there are many who think the decision is wrong and that it should be debated upon because its "unnatural" , first of all who gave you the right to decide whats unnatural, just because it makes you feel uncomfortable, or because you can not explain it to your kids. Anything involving adults and consent should not involve law. the 150 year old section 377 of IPC has been amended to change the definition of "unnatural" and nothing else. The section was included to check child abuses (also animal abuses), which it still does so it isn't effecting the society in any way other than making it more liberal and humane, (how cruel huh!).

How much ever we may like to smug at the American culture (or the lack of it) the truth is our thing involves a lot of compromises and tolerances. If you think of it, its the very basis of our culture. From arranged marriages to intercaste marriages, from dowry to sati you'll find it every where.

May be the reason there are so many gays in America is not because of their crippled culture. rather than compromising and tolerating the societies natural ways they decide to live the way they are or want to be. Now if the same is happening in our country then the only feeling that we should be having is that of pride coz we've finally grown up. for all those who haven't, keep compromising.